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How to Be Admired by Girls

Ever wondered what girls like in a guy? To most guys, our brains make no sense but that's not because we're aliens. It's because we look for different things than boys do. What do we look for? Read more to find out...

  1. Be Admired by Girls Step 1.jpg
    Be nice... even when your friends are around. Girls like guys who aren't ashamed to be kind even when they are under peer pressure. It bugs us when boys are nice one minute and total jerks the next. If you want to impress a girl, show her that you truly do care enough to be nice. If your friends don't like you for this, then they aren't worth it. Have a backbone.
    1. Be Admired by Girls Step 2.jpg
      Be balanced. While it is important to respect people like teachers and bosses, it is also important that you can have a funny bone. Know when you should be serious and polite and when you should be funny. Girls love it when you make them laugh. It shows that you are relaxed and it helps them feel more comfortable around you. Equally, be a good student. Put work and effort into what you do. It shows that you are going somewhere.
    2. Be Admired by Girls Step 3.jpg
      Looks aren't everything, but they help. I'm not saying that you should be going to the spa for a facial. Don't be obsessive. Just keep your hair and teeth brushed and your skin clean. Try not to smell. Show that you have good hygiene. If a girl doesn't know you, she will have nothing to judge you by except for your looks. Make your first impression good.
    3. Be Admired by Girls Step 4.jpg
      Also, wear good clothes when you go out. If you are going to an event or dinner, look nice. Wear clothes that are in style. Look good.
    4. Be Admired by Girls Step 5.jpg
      When you talk to her, show that you are intelligent. Use proper grammar and interest her with new topics of conversation. Don't be rude or conceded. She doesn't care about your workout schedule or how much money you make. Be nice! Be nice! Be nice!

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