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Signs You Are Not Ready For A Relationship

Worried AgathaMost people enter into relationships without knowing what it entails. These set of people then feel bored when all they anticipated is not forthcoming.
Before you start a relationship, you have to be ready.

1. You still carry your emotional baggage with you in every relationship. If you still have not gotten over your ex, you are not ready.

2. You are not ready to share your life with anyone. You are

3. You are not ready to a full commitment. You just like the thrills of the dating period.

4. You still want to party and have flings. You just cannot give up the partying lifestyle

5. Selfishness. You just think about only you and how everything should revolve around you.

6. Trust is a vital requirement in every relationship. If you have a hard time trusting people, you are 
not ready for a relationship.

7. There is no perfect person. As long as you are looking for a perfect person, you are not ready yet.

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